jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2007

Kaki and others. A fruit consumption report-complaint/Fuimos al primer mercadillo de la ADDA

I found nothing appealing enough about the kaki in the internet. We will be eating it just like that! A brief report of the consumption of fruits (and inefficiency of any administration attempt concerning grocery making policies and self restrain) would look, in any given day, take i.e. yesterday, like this:

Joonas: 3 kiwis, 5 mandarins and 3 bananas in a single row at 6:00pm in the afternoon.
Emil: 1/8th of a peach, blended in an arguably organic yogurt. This was all for the day, reluctanly! There is no Melon, that is why. His chronic thirst would otherwise allow him the consumption of 3/4ths of the Melon. The remaining fourth for the rest of us.
Juulia: Lost account of mandarins (4 kilos purchased on Monday were already finished this morning. Today is Thursday), 2 apples, one banana, one lemon, 3 kiwis, 10-12 grapes. Between 6:00pm and 9:00pm.
Jaan: All the remaining grapes, 2 kiwis, 1 banana, 4 apples in the same period of time.

El domingo en el recien inaugurado "souk" arabe pasamos la manana. Estas son las fotos de las mesas de Oman, Sudan y Libia, respectivamente. (ADDA: Asociacion de Damas Diplomaticas Arabes).
Fue dificil encontrar el camino. Ya los saben, la desinformacion por estos lados, es lo mas comun!

It was REALLY difficult to find our way; After all we belong to the misinformation zone: SPAIN. And not only because of the challenging sign shown below:

2 comentarios:

Olivia_p dijo...

Salula: vaya con lo que cuentas, yo aprendí en Suiza, a coser, a bordar, a andar con material de carpintería y en casa, mi padre siempre hizo fotos, muebles (es carpintero) y unos hippies geniales que tuve en el Kindergarten, es decir en la guardería, me enseñaron a pintar. Hay unos talleres que no sé si funcionan, mira a ver este artista CesarFernandez daba clases en Madrid y tiene este libro busca Taller de pintura y escritura

Anónimo dijo...

¿Y tu? ¿naranjas?