miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009


My statement today will be sweeping and simple: playlist has ruined its policies. I am moving to hypster where listening to music is NOT YET costly like it became the past year in last.fm, or restricted for unknown, misunderstood or fanatically applied copyright regulations...Playlist will be deserted soon. Could extend interminably on the issue of legitimacy of the laws and the benefits of applying common sense before executing intrusive-biased-disturbing regulations. -Do not get me wrong, I believe in the need for protection of all kinds of intellectual property but also in a balance where we all admit the importance of the fair use doctrine-. But I advanced that today my comment will remain sweeping and simple. No need to convince anyone. Annoyed at the obstacles that states impose to development...
The time for tea and cozy woolen socks has arrived. Now we are thinking on how to cellebrate Christmas with karolain and JF. We do not yet know where...
I wish I could paint this well (here):

And finish projects like this (Zara Home):

With few ideas in mind, though. Juulia is also learning handwork at school. Posts on her creations will necessarily follow!

2 comentarios:

solartevasquez dijo...

la pintura es extremadamente fácil: simplemente imprima en colores la imagen, divida en una cuadrícula y traslade el dibujo a escala, a su lienzo; no mire la imagen, mire las manchas de cada cuadro, y cuando termine de pintar cada uno de ellos voilá... el resultado sera igual al de la foto.
escriba más en el blog porque alguien como yo, insite en abrirlo pero los demás si no hay novedades, se cansarán

vacaazul dijo...

Estan espec!