jueves, 31 de enero de 2008

In our way to a new challenge

The use of Home Vista OP! Starting this weekend we will be blogging again. In the meantime, check out our links, they are very nice, browse www.flickr.com or get entertained making a photo book of your family for not much: www.blurb.com
I am reading this:
http://pettheprettythings.com/ and this
When Joonas allows...
I found a forgotten photo file in Emil`s computer which included these pieces from 2004:

Looking for a nice beach in North Estonia

Alajoe, Ida Virumaa, Peipsi lake, grandfather`s Summer house: Collecting "mustsostra" (agraz??) and there at the shore. With her father in Pirita, Tallinn, her first time with skates.

jueves, 24 de enero de 2008

De vuelta y sin computador

Disco duro indetectable: no tenemos computador. Fotos del ultimo ano: todas perdidas. Libro de Jaan: victima mas preciada; desaparecido y sin remedio.

1. Renovar las licencias de Kasperski que sospecho facilito este accidente por haber ignorado sus ruegos durante 2 meses solicitando el pago de la renovacion anual. CUESTA MUCHO,
2. Hacer copia de todos los archivos, una vez, o dos o tres. No cuesta tanto!,
3. Conseguir un disco duro externo para musica, fotos y videos de unas 250G. 300EUR,
4. No confiar ciegamente en la tecnologia. Como revisitar nuestra excursion a Cataluna? Las unicas fotos que quedan son las que hemos puesto en este blog!

Estoy muy limitada y hasta que no pase Enero no se solucionara el problema. Falta la ultima semana, segun los espanoles la mas dura del ano. El dia 24, precisamente hoy, es el mas dificil. Lo explicaron en el radio con formula matematica y todo...Cuales son los factores determinantes? Las primeras cuentas del ano (con subidas) por pagar, la falta de dinero por los excesos cometidos el mes pasado, las resoluciones del nuevo ano ya rotas...quien sabe? A mi no me ha pasado nunca. Como en todo soy una excepcion.

Hasta pronto.

martes, 8 de enero de 2008

What to do (really useful) with a very old laptop?0

I am thinking...I would thank any, literally ANY suggestion. While in Marrakesh (We leave in less than 48 hours) I will think a bit more). In the next post some ideas and many pictures, I hope. Please,visit our blog after the 19th. Until then no updates will be uploaded.
Today the invitation from the "Royal Family" arrived at last, only one week before the event and NOT to my relief we will be in Morocco. Jaan got the famous picture with the king last year, but I did not attend then. In 2009 we will not be honored.
Book just finished: El Clan del Oso Cavernario. Reading it left me very tired because I had to read it in one night (no sleep at all) and one morning. My favorite person today was:

J O o N A Bead Letter S

He dialogs, participates, gives opinions and politely declines my insistent invitations to try new foods; today the issue was banana dumplings. I tested his patience and asked 16 different times and to each one his answer was a very kind but firm: "No, mami, no! haishash;" Later, after a prudent pause he requested his favorite"Dame ico tomate con agggrro popapo." He got it, I was charmed.

I am also listening to this song that usually takes my sadness away. He was Hawaian; I am sad. The song was sang first by Judy Garland in the classical movie: The Wizard of Oz.

Because the first video is no longer available, here is a link to another one:


lunes, 7 de enero de 2008

Lo bueno puede ser tan facil como esto:

Comida rapida: 1. Se pone lo que a uno le guste en la pasta hojaldrada; en este caso espinaca, nueces de pino, feta, havarti, sal, pimienta de limon, oregano y una pizca de mantequilla 2. se envuelve cada pedazo de forma que contenga el queso sin regueros 3. Se lubrica cada pastel con aceite de oliva (se unta un poco por encima) 4. Se pone al horno hasta que dore y huela.

Hay una exposicion bellisima en el Museo De La Ciudad de Madrid de casas de munecas y miniaturas, fui por tercera vez, el tercer ano consecutivo y TODOS los presentes hacian fotos con sus telefonos moviles, pero a mi, cuando me vieron con la camara aunque me escape de la confiscacion, me reprendieron por que las fotos estan prohibidas, luego me persiguieron por el salon para que no hiciera mas. Habia tenido la oportunidad de hacer esta y nada mas que esta, antes de la tajante advertencia;

El set de te que llego a Juulia por la navidad:

domingo, 6 de enero de 2008

Kolm Kuningat Madridis

See how cool:

f L O W

And this is possible with the help of Spell it with flickr

Eilne (5.01.2008) kolme kuninga (los reyes magos) paraad (cabalgata) Madridis. Kohalike laste jaoks üks aasta suursündmusi, kuhu tullakse toolide, redelitega (et tagumistest ridadest ka midagi näeks) ja kottidega kommide jaoks, mida paraadis mööduvatelt ohtralt kaunistatud ja valgustatud veoautodelt lahkelt loobitakse. Paremad kohad võetakse sisse vist juba hommikul, õhtul kella seitsme ajal tulijatel ei tasu lootagi kohale, kust midagi näeks ka. Mina ja lapsed vaatasime seda rongikäiku erikutsetega tribüüni pealt. Nähtavus oli hea, aga kommisadu meieni ei ulatunud. Ega head ei saagi ju liiga palju olla, eks ole? Mitmetunnise külmetamise (kaks tundi enne algust kohale ja siis veel paar tundi kuni paraad meist lõpuks möödus) mälestusks jäid mõned tumedad fotod, nagu allpool näha. Niipalju veel, et Hispaania lastele toovad kingitusi just kolm kuningat ja jõuluvana ning jeesuslaps kingitoojatena on palju vähem populaarsed.

sábado, 5 de enero de 2008

Pictures of the cheese puffs/bu~nuelos, and THE FLOW

The author of a very beautiful blog (the one I recommended in the past entry) proposed to her readers to choose a word that would inspire them during 2008. I even presented my own: FLOW. Superstitious people or rather someone told me that people in Colombia, or better yet, in Colombia, long time ago I learned that...mmmmhhh I can`t find the source of the information that I am to share, but in any case, for some long forgotten reason, people in my country or somewhere linked to it believe that the first 12 days of the year should be the anticipated version of the months to come. Every first of January must reflect in a way how that first month will be like, the second would represent February, and so on...If this contains even a portion of the truth, then I should already be concerned for I have done nothing else but procrastinating the past days. But this seemingly senseless letting go of everything has to do with that FLOW as well! I want the things just to happen, not to push things and people all the time around to obtain what I want, I would prefer the flow to bring good to us, the patience to allow me appreciation for whatever happens, things to fall into place without my conscious and exhausting involvement. It also relates to acceptation, patience, and positivism.
A very shallow search of this word using google, yielded that there is a reference to psychology already given to this term, in the very popular online encyclopedia, the best friend of Vacaaxul: Wikipedia here. It defines to some extent my intuitive approach to the state of mind one needs to put "the flow" into motion, but I am convinced that it can be experienced by anyone just by setting the conscious in the right level. When I was younger and less attached to methods, planning, organization, conflict management strategies, and academic thinking, I used to excel at this. I also used in very rudimentary ways and for unimportant purposes but the "power of that flow" never let me down. For example, if I needed to call to a number that I had listened or read only once, long before, if it was just a blurry image in my mind I did not try very hard to remember it using my full capability of detection, nor I went through my "memory files" to find it. I was sure that if I started dialing it in a relaxed and effortless manner I will do it correctly. And it always worked! It simply emerged from my brain when I let the channels open to the flow. It is a matter of inspiration, so to say, a innate skill that we probably dismiss from very early age while pursuing a "correct" approach to learning, and living. Seems to me that when we believe that we can make anything happen ONLY by working very hard on it the cultivation of this ability is abandoned and forgotten. It is easy to conclude that by using our instinct we could be better prepared to choose achievable options, those according to our natural capabilities, and precisely the ones that we are entitled and intended for. Not every person should become a musician, not every child should grow up to mate and become a good parent, not every individual must be a polyglot just like each student must not graduate Magna Cum Laude and be the best, there is only one best, after all. Why people in the tropic use leather boots when it is terribly warm other than because boots are fashionable and a perceived need? Who says that drinking milk is good for everyone? A child always asks for what the body needs, refuses what is unnecessary and stops eating when satisfied enough. An adult would indulge in catastrophic eating habits like this and that. The flow does not distract from what IS and should be as the application of will power and "freedom" of choice would!
The past weekend, for the new year eve, in part to compensate the excesses from the Christmas weeks, we prepared a light snack table. The main threat though, was bunuelos, a very rich traditional recipe from Colombia that contributes plenty of calories per portion! These cheese puffs were served with Havarti on top instead of the typical jam or dulce de leche. We also had steamed trout with artichokes sauce, vegetables with a lemon dip, olives, cured Ham (a delicacy from Spain), fresh fruits and peppermint flavored water to toast!

My main interest this year is to understand instead of being understood, to accept before even being accepted, to clear up the way for things to settle down the most efficient way, their way, and appreciate the result in full, seeing beyond the apparent.
Is this growing, outgrowing or regressing? MAO will certainly not teach me the TAO but it is in my reading list:

My next post will contain few notes on bunuelo making and also pictures of our BRUNCH today: Spinach and feta turnovers(?), plus a close up of one of the Christmas gifts that Juulia Aliide received and she feels the most proud about: The tea set. This year her birthday celebration will be a tea ceremony for her three friends: Carmen, Blanka and Lucia.


miércoles, 2 de enero de 2008

Uno mas, es 2008!

Hoy no se trabaja y guardamos estricta observancia de este precepto; como los Judios durante el Sabat, no desperdiciamos energia fisica y meditamos. De todos modos queria poner aqui cuatro de las canciones que Emil esta oyendo. Este mes cumple 12 y ya tiene cierto gusto musical. A mi tambien me han gustado:

Fastball-"Out of my head" 1998

Fastball -"The way" 1998-

El arrebato-"Duele" 2006/7-

Muy aflamencado, de buen ritmo aunque no tan bien "hablao" como buen andaluz que se "rehpete"! por que la mercancia hasta donde yo se no se "DESCAMBIA" o si? Cambiar-descambiar, osea regresar al estado anterior? O como quien dice, y en terminos juridicos nulificar el cambio? Osea que se quiere enfatizar en la tienda del carino la compra del aludido beso? Bueno, insignificancias, por que la cancion no es tan mala como el espanol de Javier Labandon, pero es que es sevillano! Y muy buena gente que es lo que importa.

Me encanto la ultima entrada del siguiente blog, uno de mis favoritos en TODO sentido, lo recomiendo para entretenerse un buen rato: ~(A)~