viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

Almost done with 2009

Lately working and sometimes, just sometimes hand crafting for the holidays. This Sunday, coinciding with the first advent, Monica Elejalde' s birthday and the opening of the Christmas Market of Old Town Tallinn, is the International Women Association Charity Bazaar in which Emil and I will be volunteering. In addition I made this advent calendar in felt for sale at the hand made stand. Only one because it takes many days to finish and mount it so to make any profit with it the cost gets too high...hoping it will sell... On the 2nd change of boiler -it broke for the third time this year- Hey! It is December, the big spending month, on the 7th candle's day, and from then on countless meetings, parties and celebrations.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009

De las ultimas dos semanas

Con Joonas, caminando en Paldisky, una ciudad a 30 kilometros de Tallinn donde hubo industria militar y asentamiento de submarinos durante la ocupacion Sovietica y ahora no hay sino ruinas y estos acantilados

Emil al borde del mismo acantilado

Con Jaan

Lo que queda del Paldisky de la USSR, solo en imagenes

La primera nevada del ano. El primero o 2 de Noviembre. Desde la ventana de la cocina, el jardin de atras.

lunes, 2 de noviembre de 2009

Not the very same version

I cant get enough of Edith Piaff. What about this one??